In any company, enterprise or SME, there is definitely probability of cloud computing challenges. All of such organizations are becoming In any company, enterprise or SME, there is definitely probability of cloud computing challenges. All of such organizations are becoming increasingly aware of the business value that cloud computing carries and are accepting steps in direction of transition to the cloud. It is found that a smooth transition requires a detailed understanding of the advantages as well as challenges encompassed. Similar to any new technology, the adoption of this approach is not completely free from issues and few of the most significant challenges are as follows.

Security and Privacy:

The key challenge to cloud computing in companies, enterprise and SME is how it handles the security and privacy issues of businesses considering of adopting it. The point that the valued enterprise data will exist outside the corporate firewall poses serious concerns. Hacking and several attacks to cloud infrastructure will influence many clients even if just a single site is attacked. Below is a small list of questions that you must ask a cloud provider considering its challenges in mind,

  • How do you move data from the cloud?
  • Where does your data reside?
  • Is the data encrypted?
  • What are your security governance policies and procedures?

Interoperability and Portability:

Businesses of companies, enterprise and SME must possess the control of transferring in and out of the cloud and converting providers whenever they wish. Moreover, there must be no lock-in period and the cloud computing services must possess the capability to smoothly integrate with the on-premise infrastructure.

Reliability and Availability:

It is found out that the cloud providers still lack 24-hour service; this essentially results in recurrent outages. It is significant to supervise the service being offered through help of implementation of internal or third-party tools. It is significant to have strategies to supervise usage, SLAs, robustness, performance, and business dependence of such services.

Performance and Bandwidth Cost:

Businesses could essentially save money on hardware however they need to spend higher for the bandwidth. This can be an actually low cost expense for smaller applications however it can also be suggestively more for the data-intensive applications. Providing rigorous and complex data across the network demands sufficient bandwidth. Due to this, several businesses are coming up for abridged cost prior converting to the cloud.

Service Quality:

Out of many factors rising to challenges, service quality is frequently one of the greatest noteworthy factors that businesses mention as a reason for not transferring their business applications to the cloud computing. Frequently businesses experience as though the SLAs offered by the cloud providers presently are not satisfactory to guarantee the requirements for executing a production application on the cloud platform. This especially highlights those associated to performance, availability, and scalability.

Downtime & Accessibility:

Service quality should not be negotiated whenever your data is present in the cloud platform. Accessing the necessary data when you require it is an elementary requirement from several organisations. Presently, the challenge with the computing is that the data is retrieved through help of an internet connection as compared to a local connection. Thus when the network or internet connection is running slow, it even suggest that cloud services are too down; therefore data could not be accessed.

Challenges to adoption of cloud computing comes in every sizes, shapes, and severities, based on the organization. None of these challenges should be regarded as show-stoppers; however that does not make them any less factual or noteworthy.