The need to manage the procedures and resources has become very important and have a tool, a management system or ERP software. It helps to coordinate and optimize the different activities of an organization, becoming a competitive advantage of the first order and a more than the possible improvement of the income statement. Running a business is not an easy task and in recent times it has become even more complex because of the turbulence that has come to stay with the business. Let's try to realize the advantages of using an ERP software :
  1. Efficiency

The ERP integrates the information of all the areas of the company, unifies the processes and systematizes them, which enables them to eliminate repetitive tasks, improving the coordination between the different areas of the company (The information they handle is the same and at the same time).This leads to more efficient business supervision. Efficiency makes it easier to manage the expansion because it is easier to plan, track and control resources, expenses and processes, as well as selecting the most profitable operations for growth.
  1. Saving of costs

As efficiency increases in a company savings in operating costs can be expected. With ERP software system in place savings in the collection, validation, and presentation of business data, in the time and effort spent by employees, in the optimization of purchase operations, in the availability of products, in the improvement of production routes etc. Saving costs mean more benefits or at least the possibility of more opportunities.
  1. Competitiveness

The efficiency and speed of operations allowed by the ERP allows a company to expand its scope of action, to be able to include new products and processes, to be able to choose to work with other clients, opportunities and operations that because of their volume or complexity could not be addressed by lack of time and information.
  1. Improvement of the relationship with the client

With the ERP we will have available, at a click, all information about the company, the client, its operations, the margins and opportunities available, we can improve the level and speed of the service we provide, which will result in more satisfied customers.
  1. Improvement in response to changes

The ability to obtain and present information from the ERP software and the automation of unproductive processes that generates more time for management makes it easier to detect changes that could have a significant impact on business, it is also easier to detect the opportunities that these changes carry. At the same time, the ERP causes the re-engineering of processes to optimize the performance and the export of the business model to delegations or companies of a group.
  1. Improvement in information security

One of the capabilities of the ERP software is the management of security based on roles, each person sees and can manage the information they need and limit what is not, which simplifies ensuring valuable information for the company and makes it difficult to steal or lose of this. In many customers with the implementation of an ERP, they have achieved improvements in product availability, reductions in overtime, reduction of operations costs, maintenance, inventory differences, improvements in the traceability of operations, etc., It has meant direct improvements in the accounts of exploitation that is as said at the beginning of the article what is sought with the implementation of a new system.   To Learn more about ERP Software systems, follow our blog.  And to know how your business can get the best ERP solution talk to us on