It is a known fact that for the most trivial needs, you will find a Mobile App in the market these days. With Mobile App stores teeming with millions of apps and new ones arriving everyday, it’s now very hard to make an app that’s guaranteed to be successful, especially on the Apple Store. It’s alright to feel clueless and lost when you set out to have your own iPhone App on the App store. But there are tons of resources online that you can follow to ensure you take all the right steps to making an efficient and successful iPhone App. Here are some important steps you can follow for creating a successful iPhone App:

Place particular emphasis on Usability:

Let’s face it! Nobody's going to waste their space on an App that does nothing except display annoying ads on their phone. Before you set out to make an App, decide what it’s going to do and how it will make the lives of your users easier. Will it help them save time or money, will it make a task easier, or give them access to useful information? You need to be very clear on your app's usability right from the start.

Don’t make Registration seem like a Test:

Mobile App users are fed up of signing up with their emails and getting spammed. They also have very limited time when they decide to check out a new app. If you make it hard for users to register themselves before they even know the many features your app offers, chances are they'll uninstall it. It’s always a good idea to make email or phone registration an option but if you must make it mandatory, ensure that the process is over in no more than 2 or 3 steps.

Layout plays a primary role in iOS development:

The 3 key rules of good iOS development is to make apps with good clarity, deference, and depth. The text on your app must be large, and clear in a good font. The overall design of your App must be very neat and must place primary focus on content rather than unnecessary effects. Depth is the increase in content detail as you navigate deeper into the app. Keep these 3 layout rules in mind and you can rest assured that your iOS app is on the right track to being successful.

Don’t stray from the Apple store Rules:

While it may seem tempting to boost sales as soon as you launch your app by paying for downloads, in the long-term it can get you kicked out from Apple's Mobile App store. Respect the store rules and aim to build a good brand reputation customers will grow to love.

Emulate other Successful Apps:

Although it can seem very exciting to implement your own brilliant and exciting idea, there’s always a risk of falling flat if users don’t like it. If you want guaranteed success with your iPhone App, the safest bet would be to check out existing successful apps and determine what makes them successful. Then emulate their formula without cloning them.